Frequently Asked Questions

We look forward to serving you best and partner with you for a lasting 'health' relationship.

We’ve combined a new kind of doctor’s experience that blends the highest level of lab diagnosis with exceptional services


Why lab services?

Lab test results may offer the first clues to a major disease or provide information that confirms you are healthy. To run a lab test, a patient sample is needed. The sample may be blood, urine, or cells or tissue; it's different for each test. Once your sample is taken, trained technologists and specialists in our lab analyze it. Then, we send the test result to your doctor to help him or her make informed treatment decisions.

What is fasting?

Fasting is not eating or drinking anything except water, at-least 08 hours (typically overnight).

Does HbA1c test require fasting?

There is no need of fasting before the test, i.e., you can eat and drink as normal. HbA1c gives you an average of one’s blood sugar control over a 3 – month’s period and thus does not exhibit random fluctuations.

How much water should I drink for 24 – hour urine collection?

A normal fluid intake of about 2 litres a day is sufficient.

Which methods do you use to collect semen at your laboratory?

Self induction (masturbation) and coitus interruptus (withdraw method) are usually used although the former is more highly recommended than the latter. The content is discharged into a sterile container, in a private room. If this is done from home, semen must reach the Laboratory within 15 minutes after sample collection.

How do I prepare for a Prostate PSA test?

Avoid physical activities which apply unnatural pressure on the genitals. Abstain from cycling, horseback riding and the like, 3 days prior to the PSA test as this pressure may falsely increase the PSA test results. Also, avoid ejaculation atleast 24 hours before sample collection.

Why is testing Important?

Your test results can help establish your "baseline" for future monitoring and give you general information to help you better manage your health. Here are a few of the many reasons lab testing is recommended: Staying healthy: Tests often help expose risk factors - important information that can help you and your doctor target lifestyle changes to keep you well. Early detection: Changes in your health may only become noticeable over time. Testing can help you identify these potential health conditions early. In general, the earlier a developing condition is detected, the greater the likelihood that your doctor can treat it. Family history: If you have certain concerns due to your family history, lab tests can help monitor those conditions. Peace of mind: If you've made lifestyle changes to improve your health, testing can show how successful your efforts have been.

How can i prepare before going for my first test ?

When preparing for a lab test, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions. In addition to following that guidance, it is important to: Continue to take any medication as prescribed Wear sleeves that roll up easily if you are taking a blood test Be prepared to provide a urine sample Fast (if you are having a blood test), which means that you should not consume anything but water, plain tea without milk or sugar, or black coffee Drink plenty of water
Jowa Health Specialised Labs - Biochemistry
Jowa Health Specialised Labs - Microbiology

Contact JHSL / Make an Appointment

We look forward to serving you best and partner with you for a lasting 'health' relationship.


JHSL offers drive through COVID-19 testing, for those who qualify, at our central lab, located at Grace Musoke Road, Ring Close, Bukoto Kampala City.

We are open 24/7 and will always give you the best laboratory services irrespective of your time of visit.


JHSL is proud to offer QuestDirect where you can purchase your own lab tests without a doctor’s visit. The menu includes testing for:

  • COVID-19 PCR  
  • COVID-19 antigen
  • Allergy panel
  • General health and wellness
  • Cancer screening
  • Digestive health
  • Drug screens
  • Heart health
  • Infectious disease and immunology
  • Sexually-transmitted diseases


Why lab services?

Lab test results may offer the first clues to a major disease or provide information that confirms you are healthy. To run a lab test, a patient sample is needed. The sample may be blood, urine, or cells or tissue; it's different for each test. Once your sample is taken, trained technologists and specialists in our lab analyze it. Then, we send the test result to your doctor to help him or her make informed treatment decisions.

Why is testing Important?

Your test results can help establish your "baseline" for future monitoring and give you general information to help you better manage your health. Here are a few of the many reasons lab testing is recommended: Staying healthy: Tests often help expose risk factors - important information that can help you and your doctor target lifestyle changes to keep you well. Early detection: Changes in your health may only become noticeable over time. Testing can help you identify these potential health conditions early. In general, the earlier a developing condition is detected, the greater the likelihood that your doctor can treat it. Family history: If you have certain concerns due to your family history, lab tests can help monitor those conditions. Peace of mind: If you've made lifestyle changes to improve your health, testing can show how successful your efforts have been.

How can i prepare before going for my first test ?

When preparing for a lab test, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions. In addition to following that guidance, it is important to: Continue to take any medication as prescribed Wear sleeves that roll up easily if you are taking a blood test Be prepared to provide a urine sample Fast (if you are having a blood test), which means that you should not consume anything but water, plain tea without milk or sugar, or black coffee Drink plenty of water